Sunday, November 20, 2011


I recently took a class at my church. It caused me much exposure. I realize "exposure" might sound funny, and maybe "joy" or "pain" or a little of both could fit instead, but exposure seems to sum it up best. Most of us try to hide what we feel most of the time. We try to cover it up, for fear of being exposed for what it really is. Anger, bitterness, resentment, rejection, disappointment...
As ugly as these things sound, imagine the darkness they cause when kept inside. It's like an infection. It starts in your head, your thoughts, it moves to your heart, your emotions, then to your hands and feet, your actions.
So as ugly as these things are coming out, how much more destructive if left to fester and torment from the inside out.
Yes, our pretending is our way of wishing we didn't have these things in the first place, that we were better than that, but we're not. There is nothing that happens to us that is unique to us alone.
As I took this class, it was sort of a progressive revelation as to what I was learning. The following 3 posts are called Psalms, simply an expression of my heart to God's heart.

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